Monday, February 23, 2009

Last Week I was preparing a talk on Hinduism, I visited with a young lady named, Lalita. She was raised a Hindu, with all it's teachings. She worshipped many gods and had a daily ritual which she hoped would accomplish good karma and eventually a "release" from the wheel-of-life (reincarnation). For the past few years she attended a Christian church and felt somewhat comfortable. See, Hindus worship god and even many gods. At last count there are over 300 million gods in Hinduism. Anyway, worshipping god was a good and natural thing for her. But something happened...

Whenever a song mentioned worshipping JESUS, she would simply not sing. You see, that's different. Worshipping "god" is one thing, but JESUS?

Made me think about how comfortable we can make people feel in our churches. So comfortable that there is little conversion taking place. If we only mention "god" in generic terms, most people from most any religion can feel comfortable. In the name of seeker sensitive, we can water down and even delete the name of Jesus from our worship. Sure, we can gather a lot of people, but what has been accomplished? Not much except a big church for people to come and worship the "god" of their choice. What's the point?

I heard a pastor say, "It's all about the weekend, stupid", meaning that all we do must point people to the weekend worship. Allow me to change the phrase, "It's all about Jesus". Sound narrow? Is this old school? Yep, so old it's been around since the first century AD. Was it the Apostle Paul who said, "I determined to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ, and Him crucified" (1 Corinthians 2:1)? Don't get me wrong, we should cover all kinds of topics in church like sex, pop culture, parenting, etc... but we must always, EVERY WEEKEND, bring it to Jesus as our God.

Holy Spirit, help me to always be about pointing people to Jesus. Not just on the weekend, but every day.

To hear Lalita's testimony, click "podcasts" and download the talk from Feb 22.

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