Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Decisions. Decisions. Decisions. I have made some pretty good ones and some that were pretty lame. Pardon the baseball terminology, but I wish I could bat 1.000 in decision making. It just doesn’t work that way. Even for Christians. Yes, we have the Holy Spirit to guide us, but sometimes I just don’t hear very well. How about you?

I pray, “God, I really want to follow you and make better decisions, but how can I accomplish that?” I woke up early this morning thinking about it. As I prayed, I wondered what advice I would give someone who is wanting to hear from God. Here are my thoughts, and they are all linked to Words from the Bible. Here goes:

Seek. Confess. Be Willing. Wait. Seek the Lord and He will let us find Him. He is not hiding (Matthew 7:7). Confess any known sin to God. Don’t make up things. Be real. Is there anything between you and God? Then, agree with God that it is sin and confess that specific sin to Him. He promises to forgive us (Isaiah 59:1-2; 1 John 1:9). Be willing. If I am going to do whatever I want to do regardless, then what difference does it make if He tells me His will? (James 4:13-15). Sometimes I pray, “Lord, I am willing, and if not, I am willing to be willing.” Might sound lame, but sometimes I don’t know how else to say it. Wait. I love Isaiah 64:4: “For from days of old they have not heard or perceived by ear, nor has the eye seen a God besides You, Who acts in behalf of the one who waits for Him”. God promises to “do His thing” if we can wait on Him. I love, love, love that!

So here is Doug’s advice to Doug straight from the Bible: Jesus says, Seek ME. Confess your sin to ME. Be willing to obey ME, and wait on ME.

I am choosing to follow these promises all the way to God’s Throne of Grace today.

Do you need a Word from God concerning a decision? Seek Him. Confess to Him. Choose to obey Him. Then, wait on Him (this one is the most difficult for me). Remember, Our God is a God like no other. He acts on behalf of those who wait on Him.

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