I am heading off on a mission trip to Latvia in a few days. This trip has been planned for over a year. As the day of our departure has drawn closer, I’ve experienced all kinds of emotions. There is so much going on around here, do I really have time to get away for several days? And, to make it worse, I will be returning the day after my daughter Madison’s birthday. I’ve been really bummed out about that. Even though I will not miss her birthday party, I hate that I will be gone on her actual birthday. (This will never happen again if I can help it.)
While I was taking her to kindergarten this morning the topic of her birthday came up. Her party is tomorrow. “Now dad, don’t bring cupcakes to school tomorrow because tomorrow is not my REAL Birthday, just my birthday party after school”. Makes sense. Then she went on, “My REAL Birthday is next week but you won’t be here. You will be in Latvia.” Ouch. I already feel horrible about that. I said, “Do you know why I am going to Latvia?” I continued, “There are people over there who don’t know about Jesus like we do, so I’m going to tell them about Jesus”. To which she replied, “So they won’t go to hell?” I didn’t expect that response from her. Grace. Love. Forgiveness. Heaven. Any of those topics would not have startled me quite as much. But Hell? What should I say in response to that? THE TRUTH! “That’s right Madison, I am going to tell them that Jesus loves them and that he does not want them to go to hell!” “O.K.”, she said. “I’m glad you are going then.” Somehow, she understood the urgency of this trip. It reminded me of the urgency of this trip.
God, thank you for this little conversation with Madison. I will take the memory of my little girl’s innocent yet candid remarks with me to Latvia. She understands why I am going. I understand why I am going: To share the amazing story of God’s love and mercy. To tell them that because of Jesus, we can have assurance of life with Him in heaven. Even though I will miss Madison’s REAL birthday, I have the joy knowing that she really understands.
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