January 14,2009

Missions Trip

I just got home from a quick but long trip overseas...14,000 miles in 96 hours. Not real smart, huh? I visited our missions team in Riga, Latvia then cruised over to Lisbon, Portugal to see our missionaries on the field. Thank you, Lord for those who have answered Your call to serve far, far away from home. Truth is, our world has become very small and we all can play a part in world-wide missions from almost anywhere. I'm not talking about simply taking a trip so you can have a "stirring sound bite" for your church. See, it's about connecting with others and sharing the message of Jesus, not just slide shows set to music to show your congregation.

On my flight from Amsterdam to Lisbon, Portugal, I met a certain school teacher from Norway. He wasn't a Christ-follower, but agreed that there must be an Intelligent Designer out there. So I took the opportunity to cram Jesus down His throat...not really. Over the next few hours I was able to share the hope of Christ with Him. I may never see him again, but who knows how God will use that Divine encounter to spread His message overseas. I was in the right place at the right time, I guess.

Doesn't it really come this, simply being available to God where ever we are...at home, overseas, or somewhere in between (on an airplane)? What do you think? Let me know info@gview.org

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